I am Openly Autistic! I am NOT ashamed to be Autistic!

I am annoyed with people who ignore and/or reject me because I am Openly Autistic.

I am annoyed with people who believe in keeping things like Autism hidden away because they believe in a shame-based mentality of keeping anything “out of the ordinary” deeply hidden away from public view. That attitude is wrong! There is NO shame in being who you were born to be. Anyone who tries to shame someone for being their own, unique, self is WRONG! 

I actually have some family members, and former friends, who are no longer on my Facebook friends list because they do not practice Autism Acceptance. 😦 

I am not going to put up with being condemned, judged, or shamed, by anyone for being Openly Autistic. I am going to be myself. I am who I am. I will not put on a fake mask of pretend “neurotypicality” to hide my Autism for the comfort of any neuro-bigot. If you cannot accept the real, true, me then I will not allow you to try and put me into a place of rejection and shame with your ignorance/bigotry! You do NOT get to do that to me and you do not get to do that to my sons. No you don’t! 

Neuro-bigots don’t want to practice Autism Acceptance. In fact, they want to put Autism back into their box of “shame” and keep on hiding it away. They want to make us hide our Autism and become indistinguishable from so-called “normal” people. They only accept people who can pass for “normal,” anything less and they reject it. Shame on them! We don’t need that bigoted attitude.

I won’t stop being Openly Autistic because other Autistics, like my son, deserve to have a better, more accepting world than the rigid, non-accepting one I had to grow up in! We need to be accepted as we are — Openly Autistic! We need Autism Acceptance! There is no shame in being true to yourself!

Live your truth

“Let me tell you something. Live your truth right out in the open. No hiding or apologizing for who you are. What do you have to lose — the good opinion of others? Believe me, they have no idea how to do life. And if they are looking at you at all when you’re busy living your truth, it is probably with a mixture of curiosity and admiration for the boldness they can’t muster.” ~ Jacome Nordby
Photo Link: http://101waystoloveyourjob.blogspot.com/2013/11/some-motivational-posters-for-work.html

Categories: Abuse Stories, Autism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

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7 thoughts on “I am Openly Autistic! I am NOT ashamed to be Autistic!

  1. alexforshaw

    Hear, hear!! Well said: “There is no shame in being true to yourself!” Yay for Autistic Pride!

  2. I agree! “Yay for Autistic Pride! =)

  3. Well said

  4. Well said it’s other people that should be ashamed of themselves. I have 3 autistic boys and I am certain I too am autistic. People should take people as they are:

  5. Pingback: Markierungen 04/23/2015 - Snippets

  6. Reblogged this on unic0rns-taking0ver and commented:
    i’m also autistic myself and i find this article really humble, Great to read 🙂 ..

  7. As a mother of an autistic child, I crying with happiness right now. May my son be as strong and as self-accepting as you. I do tell him often that Autism is his superpower 💜

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